How To Get Good Remote Part-Time Freelance Technical Writing Jobs
What is Technical Writing?
Technical writing refers to a form of writing that involves a specific topic or subject that requires instruction, direction, or analysis, or explanation. It serves a different purpose and has different attributes from other styles of writing like creative writing, business writing, or academic writing. To begin with, technical writing is fairly straightforward or direct, easily comprehensible explanations and instructions that deal with a certain topic.
Although part-time, this job can be a lucrative way to earn some extra money to boost your current income, getting good remote part-time freelance jobs can be a challenge to many aspiring freelancers. Some of the challenges include getting well-paying jobs and avoiding scam. In order to overcome such challenges, here are a few tips on how to get good remote part-time freelance technical writing jobs.
Create a Portfolio that Demonstrates Your Talents, Versatility and Abilities
If you are looking at how to get good remote part-time jobs, it is absolutely important to have a collection of samples of your work. Try to find samples of things like manuals on instructions to a process, policy process manuals, procedure manuals, product manuals and analysis of reports. Other pieces of methodological writing could include instructions on how to assemble a particular appliance or product, or a summary of a report that shortens and highlights important elements in a report.
Develop a Resume
One of the most important approaches when looking for job is creating a resume that clearly showcases your experience and skills. A functional type of resume is often more appropriate for freelancers than a chronological form of resume as it focuses on a particular set of skills and experience.
Create a Website or Blog
When thinking of how to get good part time freelance jobs, it pays to have a website or at least a blog. You can post your portfolio, writing clips, resume, a photo of yourself, as well as comments from previous bosses or clients on these kinds of platforms.
Join Freelance Writing Job Boards
In order to increase your chances of getting a job or meeting clients who can give you part-time writing gigs, you should visit freelance websites and follow the available job leads. You can also apply for job openings that meet your income expectations on such forums.
Create New Job Opportunities
Try to create new job opportunities by contacting local business owners and offer to assist in writing technical content for their websites, newsletters or sales material.
Expand Your Network
The final tip on how to get good part time freelance technical writing jobs is concerned with spreading the word about your services. Take advantage of social media as well as physical networking avenues to grow your network. You will be surprised at how fast jobs will start coming through.